Across the Rio Grande River
There must be a girl just like me.
One of 1.3 million,
she sits and waits patiently.
Stars and stripes hang over my home,
Dancing to a windy song of victory and freedom.
She watches from across the Wall,
It's a dream she can almost taste,
Like a lingering flavor of a past life.
She doesn’t watch for cracks,
As she navigates through broken sidewalks.
Instead she scours dark alleyways,
Where monsters may hide.
Her monsters are more real than mine,
Made of tattooed skin and darkened eyes.
I live my life in future tense,
Making plans in a world painted in high notes.
While she fears the man who follows her home,
Silently praying for the chance of many more tomorrows.
I walk with Liberty,
On a soil that is only silently spoiled
By evils of weed and heroin needles.
Yet, they plague her world loudly,
Polluting her home with danger,
By mistaken generosity.
It is my world that makes hers malicious.
As we buy highs and lows,
In the form of powdered party favors.
America works on the backs of her uncles and aunts
With cheap labor for the promise of the American Dream.
As they sweat in pennies and dines.
I wish us both a happy conclusion,
Yet the solutions are made purposefully illusive.